New research on Pycnogenol® records lower blood sugar levels in type ii diabetics on anti-diabetic medication

Second Study this Year on Pycnogenol® and Type II Diabetes continues to highlight its positive health benefits on blood sugar levels

GENEVA, Switzerland – October 20, 2004 –A recent clinical study shows that type II diabetes patients who continued to take their anti-diabetic medication further lowered blood sugar levels and increased cardiovascular function after supplementing with French maritime pine tree bark extract known as Pycnogenol® (pic-noj-en-all).

The double-blind, placebo-controlled study printed in the October issue of Life Sciences, published by Elsevier, found that 77 diabetes type II patients who supplemented with 100 mg of Pycnogenol® for 12 weeks, during which a standard anti-diabetic treatment was continued, significantly lowered plasma glucose levels as compared to placebo.

“To the 17 million Americans living day to day with type II diabetes, this news is a welcome sign of the safe and effective natural alternative dietary supplement choices available to them like Pycnogenol®,” said Peter Rohdewald, Ph.D. Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Muenster and one of the authors of the study. “The month of November marks American Diabetes Month and we’re excited that this research coincides with this awareness outreach since we work diligently year round researching ingredients to find the most effective alternative therapies for patients with diabetes.”

According to Dr. Rohdewald, Type II diabetes, caused by a resistance to insulin, requires a careful daily health routine including blood sugar monitoring, physical exercise and counting carbohydrates. Blood vessels are generally more constricted in diabetic people, often causing poor circulation. Several of the observed parameters in this new study suggest that Pycnogenol® significantly releases blood vessel constriction. This super-strength antioxidant supports body-own mechanisms that lead to better blood flow.

Pycnogenol® is a natural plant extract originating from the bark of the Maritime pine that grows along the coast of southwest France. It’s unique combination of procyanidins, bioflavonoids and organic acids, offer extensive natural health benefits to diabetics suffering from high blood sugar and diabetic retinopathy. The extract has been widely studied for the past thirty-five years and has more than 120 published studies and review articles ensuring safety and efficacy as an ingredient. Pycnogenol® brand products are available in over 140 dietary supplements, multi-vitamins and health formulas nationwide. - Home

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