Natural health science launches groundbreaking PYCNOQ10™ heart health formula

Makers of Pycnogenol® Team Up with GNC to Bring Unique Heart Health Product to Vitamin and Dietary Supplement Market

HILLSIDE, NJ – July 1, 2004 – Natural Health Science (NHS) today announced the launch of the exclusive PycnoQ10™ product, a unique blend of Pycnogenol® (pic-noj-en-all) French maritime pine bark extract and Coenzyme Q10, available at General Nutrition Centers (GNC) nationwide. Both natural ingredients are recognized internationally for their potent antioxidant properties and widespread cardiovascular health benefits.

“With millions of Americans suffering from heart and stoke problems everyday, the need for natural alternatives to help support cardiovascular health and reduce risk factors has been on the rise. The combination of Pycnogenol® and CoQ10 creates a safe and efficacious product, offering consumers an innovative, superior choice when searching for natural alternatives to incorporate into their daily lifestyle and heart health routine,” said Victor Ferrari, chief operating officer and executive vice president of Horphag Research, the original developers of Pycnogenol®.

Joint research conducted at Showa Medical University of Tokyo, Japan and the State University of New York, Buffalo indicated the combination of Pycnogenol® and CoQ10 protected 53% of blood lipids from oxidation as opposed to less than 30% as individual ingredients. The two antioxidant ingredients in PycnoQ10™ have synergistic effects on the body and work to protect and enhance the whole vascular system including blood vessel integrity, blood lipid values, circulation, blood pressure and platelet function.

“This research along with a survey of medical literature conducted on both ingredients strongly suggests that PycnoQ10™ is an ideal combination for improvement of all major cardiovascular ailments. Biologically, the mechanisms of both ingredients work in synergy because of their powerful antioxidant activities,” said Dr. Frank Schönlau, director of scientific communications for Horphag Research.

According to Dr. Schönlau, Pycnogenol® has shown numerous cardio health benefits including reducing high blood pressure, lowering bad (LDL) cholesterol, reducing platelet activity, relaxing artery constriction and improving circulation. Research widely documents Coenzyme Q10’s support to the heart muscle yielding improved ejection fraction, exercise tolerance and cardiac output. Further clinical studies suggest that it has beneficial effect on hypertension and helps prevent oxidation of bad (LDL) cholesterol. - Home

に関する情報は、全ての国に適用されるものでも、全ての国の要件を満たすものでもりません。ホーファーリサーチ社は、ピクノジェノール®を含むさまざまな製品を製造する企業様に原材料としてピクノジェノール® を提供いたしております。ホーファーリサーチ社は、完成品の使用についての意見表明は一切せず、各製品およびその使用に関する要件がその製品の販売地の規制に準じていることの保証は各メーカーの責任です。
